One night, I was on the phone with my sister-in-law, Dawn. I had called her
One night, I was on the phone with my sister-in-law, Dawn. I had called her
One night, I was on the phone with my sister-in-law, Dawn. I had called her to let her know our husbands would have to work very late that Saturday night due to some machinery problems. She was carrying on about not getting anything done that day since they were due to move out of their apartment by that next Friday. I mentioned that sixteen hours at time-and-a-half pay would certainly make up for it. She was OK with that, but said it would not make much difference when they had to pay the whole next month’s rent if they were not out by the end of the week. I acknowledged her point, but figured either way; they wouldn’t really be out any expected money.
The next day, while my husband, Arlo, was helping his brother move, my dad called hoping to also enlist Arlo’s help.
I have 3-way calling on our phone, so I clicked over and called my brother-in-law’s house, leaving a message on the answering machine for Arlo to call my dad when he could.
I clicked back over to my Dad and began telling him about the long day Arlo and his brother had put in. We inadvertently got on the subject of Dawn, who was not so thrilled about the time they had lost for moving. Dad agreed that for the money they made, it was worth it. Then I mentioned that she should have " gotten off her butt and did something herself.
Monday evening came along and Arlo walked in the house, looked at me, and began laughing as he headed into the next room. He did a sort of double take and said, " Brenda, next time you are talking bad about someone, make sure the three-way calling is disconnected.
Almost immediately I knew what he was talking about, but I wasn’t exactly sure what all I had said. Dawn’s answering machine had picked up the entire conversation between Dad and me!
Arlo and his brother thought the situation was hysterical. Of course, men tend not to let things like that get to them. However, I know Dawn well enough to know she would be pretty upset, especially after both of our husbands spent the afternoon laughing at her and making cracks about her lazy butt.
Wondering how I was going to fix this one, 1 stopped by to apologize a couple of times, but Dawn wasn’t around. After a couple of weeks, I finally spoke to her. When she picked up the phone I tried to make a joke of it, but she did not see the humor in it.
After this incident, I got to think. Lately, I have become very comfortable with some people and have found myself slipping back into the gossip mode I had worked so hard to get myself out of. I sort of wonder if this was God’s way of washing my mouth out with soap. I certainly didn’t forget the taste when I was a kid. I won’t forget it now. [br] As to Dawn’s problem, the author
A、expressed sympathy for her.
B、didn’t take it very seriously.
C、showed indifference to her.
D、tried her best to figure it out.
以下影响群体凝聚力的因素中,正确的有()。A.态度和目标的一致性 B.群体规
ADSL使用的多路复用技术是()。A.频多分路复用 B.时多分路复用 C
A.红细胞悬液 B.新鲜冰冻血浆 C.普通冰冻血浆 D.冷沉淀 E.浓缩
急性肾小球肾炎的诊断依据中哪项是关键()A.血尿及红细胞管型尿 B.全身
芍药汤与白头翁汤的组成中均含有的药物是A.黄芩 B.黄连 C.黄柏 D.大
准货币是指()。A.M2与M0的差额 B.M2与M1的差额 C.M1与M0
材料: 王老师从踏入讲台的第一天起,就立下了“当园丁培育百花,做黄牛无私奉献”