Which of the following is seen as the cause of class differences in the past? [b

游客2023-11-06  20

问题 Which of the following is seen as the cause of class differences in the past? [br] The writer seems to suggest that the description of ______ is closer to truth.

选项 A、middle-class ways of spending money
B、working-class ways of spending the weekend
C、working-class drinking habits
D、middle-class attitudes

答案 A

解析 的内容定位到第三段第一句,在叙述中产阶级花钱方式时用到了was perhaps nearer the truth,这与题干中的closer to truth意思相近,为正确答案;B)和C)的内容可以定位到第二段第三句,在叙述工人阶级度周末的方式和饮酒习惯时用到了it was widely believed,意思是“人们普遍认为”,语气不够肯定;D)的内容可以定位到第四段末句,在叙述中产阶级态度时用到了in fact,说明下文所述完全是事实。