On day one of my self-proclaimed Month of Gratitude, my five-year-old son wo
On day one of my self-proclaimed Month of Gratitude, my five-year-old son wo
On day one of my self-proclaimed Month of Gratitude, my five-year-old son woke up "bored" at 5:15 a.m., I spied a speeding ticket in my wife’s purse, and our water heater spluttered to its death as I was getting into the shower. Ordinarily, I would have started complaining and the day would’ve been off to an ugly start. But this day was different. How cute my child’s dimples (酒窝) are. How fetching my wife’s taste for adventure. Only 29 days to go.
Just a week earlier, as I struggled with the feeling that I’d been put on this earth to load and unload the dishwasher, I’d decided it was time to end my reflexive complaining. But it wasn’t simply the little things that were annoying me. All of a sudden, my friends were dealing with bad news--cancer diagnoses, divorce, job loss. Shouldn’t I be celebrating my relative good fortune?
I’d heard about the feel-good benefits of a gratitude attitude. Hoping for tips, I called professor Emmons, who pioneered research on the benefits of positive thinking. Emmons quoted new studies that indicated that even pretending to be thankful raises levels of the chemicals associated with pleasure and contentment. He recommended keeping a log of everything I’m grateful for in a given week or month.
I followed his suggestions, but my first attempts at keeping a gratitude list were pretty weak: coffee, naps, caffeine in general. As my list grew, I found more uplift: freshly picked blueberries; the Beatles’ White Album; that I’m not bald.
By day three, I was on a tear, thanking every grocery bagger and parent on the playground like I’d just won an Oscar and hanging Post-it notes to remind myself of the next day’s thank-you targets: the mailman, my son’s math teacher. But soon, the full-on approach started to bum me out. Researchers call it the Pledge of Allegiance effect. "K you overdo gratitude, it loses its meaning or, worse, becomes a chore," professor Emmons told me when I mentioned my slump. Be selective, he advised, and focus on thanking the unsung heroes in your life.
Then professor Emmons suggested a "gratitude visit." Think of a person who has made a major difference in your life and whom you’ve never properly thanked. Compose a detailed letter to him or her that expresses your appreciation in concrete terms, then read it aloud, face-to-face.
I immediately flashed on Miss Riggi, my eighth-grade English teacher. She was the first one to open my eyes to Hemingway, Faulkner, and other literary giants. To this day, I am guided by her advice ("Never be boring"). I booked plane tickets to my hometown, Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Miss Riggi was shorter than I remember, though unmistakable with her still long, black hair and bright, intelligent eyes. After a slightly awkward hug and small talk, we settled in. I took a deep breath and read.
"I want to thank you in person for the impact you’ve had on my life," I began. "Nearly 30 years ago, you introduced my eighth-grade class to the wonders of the written word. Your passion for stories and characters and your enthusiasm for words made me realize there was a world out there that made sense to me." And whether it was Miss Riggi’s enormous smile when I finished the letter, or the way she held it close as we said goodbye, my feeling of peace and joy remained long after I returned home.
Since then, I have written several more gratitude letters, and my wife and 1 both summon our "training" when we feel saddled by life. The unpleasant matters are still there, but appreciation, I’ve learned, has an echo—and it’s loud enough to drown out the grumbling of one man emptying the dishwasher. [br] The last paragraph shows that
A、professor Emmons’ suggestions were effective to the author.
B、professor Emmons’ suggestions were unpractical to the author.
C、the author and his wife learn how to show gratitude to others.
D、professor Emmons’ suggestions were considered as unacceptable.
肾肿瘤CDFI特点有A.抱球血流型 B.以上均是 C.星点状血流型 D.丰
公共管理强调()的重要性A.政府绩效 B.政府管理 C.公民社会
A.壳核-外囊出血 B.丘脑-内囊出血 C.脑桥出血 D.小脑出血 E.
下述哪种先露最多见A.枕先露 B.肩先露 C.臀先露 D.面先露 E.足
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