What is the man’s final decision?A、To give up moving out of the dorm.B、To consu

游客2023-11-05  8

问题 What is the man’s final decision?

选项 A、To give up moving out of the dorm.
B、To consult the accommodation office.
C、To buy a small apartment of his own.
D、To share one room with the woman.

答案 B

解析 细节题。寝室太吵,公寓房又贵,因此女士建议他向学校的accommodation office咨询。男士回答说他早该想到,说明男士很赞成女士的看法,因此正确答案是B。男士在对话尾声说道“我必须搬出去”,A项与其意思相悖,故不对;C错在buy,应该是rent“租用”;男士根本就没提到要与女士合住一个房间,只是在对话中提到女士与另一个人合住一间房,故D也不正确。