According to the UN report, developed economies in 2012 will______. [originaltex

游客2023-11-02  13

问题 According to the UN report, developed economies in 2012 will______.
United Nations economists have sharply cut their projections for world growth and warned that 2012 will be key to whether the global economy makes a slow recovery or falls back into recession.(25)In their report, World Economic Situation and Prospects 2012 , UN economists forecast very low growth, warning that developed economies are on the brink of a downward spiral because of four factors:(26)sovereign debt distress, fragile banking sectors, weak aggregate demand and policy paralysis. The UN’s director of development and policy analysis, Rob Vos, warns the world could be facing a new economic downturn.

选项 A、make a quick recovery
B、fall back sharply into recession
C、be up in the air
D、be in danger of downturn

答案 D

解析 本题考查对新闻内容的理解。根据句(25)可知,联合国报告称,2012年世界经济处于下滑的边缘,即:面临衰退的危险。所以正确答案是D。