What is the main idea of Mr. Obama’s plan for cutting America’s huge budget defi

游客2023-11-02  15

问题 What is the main idea of Mr. Obama’s plan for cutting America’s huge budget deficit? [br]  
(7)President Obama has outlined his plan for cutting America’s huge budget deficit, saying that corporations and the wealthiest citizens must pay higher taxes. Speaking at the White House, Mr. Obama said it was wrong that someone earning only $50, 000 a year should pay the same rate of tax as a person who earned $50 million. He said the pain of reducing the deficit had to be evenly spread.
    Republican opponents have described Mr. Obama’s plan as "class warfare" and say they’ll oppose any tax increases.

选项 A、They think it will cause class warfare.
B、They believe it may increase the deficit.
C、They guess it will spread evenly.
D、They wish it may reduce the deficit.

答案 A

解析 本题考查对新闻细节的捕捉。由句(8)可知,共和党人认为奥巴马总统的计划会引起阶级斗争。所以答案为A。