What is the news mainly about? [br] [originaltext] (9)Hackers tried to get p

游客2023-11-02  13

问题 What is the news mainly about? [br]  
(9)Hackers tried to get personal information anywhere it’s stored digitally. That includes systems of the US government.
    Officials say the US Postal Service was hacked. Information on almost 3 million customers, people who use the Postal Service was compromised. Names, addresses, phone numbers, email records.
    (10)That’s in addition to birth dates and payroll records for 750, 000 postal service workers. The USPS is paying to help protect their credit, the FBI is investigating, mail service wasn’t affected. But one lawmaker says the frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks highlights the need for better cyber security.

选项 A、email
B、payroll record
C、home addresses

答案 B

解析 本题考查对新闻细节的捕捉。由句(10)可知,美国邮政系统员工的生日和工资支付登记表被黑客所获取,故B为正确答案。