What’s the main feature of the new method of paying for meals? [br] [originalte

游客2023-11-02  13

问题 What’s the main feature of the new method of paying for meals? [br]  
M: Hey Linda, did you get that letter about the new options for food service next year?
W: Not yet. Are there a lot of changes?
M: There sure are. Instead of paying one fee to cover all meals for the whole school year, we are now able to choose how many meals a week we want.
W: That’s a big change Tom. So what’s the deal for those who do eat at school all time?
M: It’s better for them too. Because the more meals you contract, the cheaper each one is.
W: I see.
M: I decided to go with the ten-meal plan. I never eat breakfast and I often go away on weekends. So me ten-meal plan gives me lunch and dinner every weekday at a fairly low price.
W: And what about the weekends when you are on campus?
M: well, there are often guests on campus at weekends. So they allow you to buy single meals on a walk-in basis on Saturdays. The price per meal is much higher that way, but it is still favourable generally.
W: Oh, I guess I’ll have to sit down and figure out my eating pattern so I can get the best deal.

选项 A、By paying for single meals on a walk-in basis.
B、By borrowing a student’s meal card.
C、By ordering most of their meals in advance.
D、By buying a weekend meal card.

答案 A

解析 细节判断题。对话中双方就周末用餐的问题进行了讨论.男士提到周末时会有很多外面的客人来就餐,所以他们可以按a walk-in basis on Saturdays来付账,这也就是说周末是可以每次就餐时单独付账的。选项A中有walk-in basis的原词复现,为正确答案。