The Internet has become a lifeline of modern economy and is an indispensable par

游客2023-10-31  40

问题 The Internet has become a lifeline of modern economy and is an indispensable part of our daily life. However, there is much controversy over it. Some people contend that the Internet has more positive impacts on society while others think it has more negative influences. The following are opinions of the two sides. Read them carefully and write your response in no less than 200 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize the opinions from both sides:
    2. give you view on the issue.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
The Internet has changed people’s means of communication. With new services pouring in, communication is going to be faster, cheaper and more efficient with every passing day. Nowadays, with the use of the Internet, people can communicate with others from any part of the globe in the blink of an eye, which seemed to be a farfetched dream not too long ago.
The Internet is an infinite storehouse of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. Prominent search engines such as Google and Yahoo are making information easily accessible to its seekers.
Now in the age of the Internet one doesn’t have to wait for hours in queues to pay bills, withdraw money, buy tickets or book hotels. With the help of online services, all these can be quite conveniently done at home.
The Internet poses a great threat to one’s personal data. As people use online banking and other transaction services, there lies a great risk of the account details, credit card numbers etc. being stolen, through unsecured connections.
Computer viruses are also carried through by the Internet. Computer viruses are malignant programs which can cause malfunction of your systems and may even lead to loss of data.
With social network sites, people are getting more and more engrossed in the virtual online world. As a result, social and family ties are getting weaker. With the growing popularity of online games, children now participate in less activities and games, which can be detrimental to their all-round development.


答案     With time passing by, computers have gained increasing popularity in our daily life, and the Internet has become the most powerful tool for people throughout the world. However, opinions on the Internet vary from individual to individual.
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解析     本文为论说文(argumentation),讨论社会热点话题(hot topic)。互联网是众多英语考试青睐的写作话题,在四、六级考试和研究生入学考试中均有出现。从内容角度来说,考生应该有话可讲,因此重点应该放在语言和逻辑结构两个方面。全文总共有四段。第一段属于导入段,指出背景,并提出人们对网络有不同看法(opinions on the Internet vary from individual to individual)。在第二段中,作者指出人们支持网络的三个理由:第一,网络缩短了人与人之间的距离(the Internet has shortened the distance between people);第二,网络为我们提供了丰富多样的信息资源(the Internet brings us rich and diversified information);第三,网络为我们提供了更好的服务(the Internet provides us with better services)。在第三段中,作者指出了反对者的理由:首先,个人信息容易被盗(our personal information might be at risk as it may be stolen through websites);其次,网络传播的病毒给计算机系统造成严重威胁(the Internet facilitates the spread of computer viruses,which will greatly threaten computer systems throughout the world);再者,人们沉迷于虚拟世界,这影响了他们在真实世界中的交流(deep involvement in the virtual world has a great impact on people’s communication in the real world)。在第四段中,作者总结了个人观点,认为网络是双刃剑(a two—edged sword),但我们不能因噎废食,而应最大程度地利用其优点(maximize the advantages of the Internet),将其负面作用降到最低(minimize its negative influences),使其更好地为我们人类服务。