Read carefully the following excerpt on mental illness among university stude
Read carefully the following excerpt on mental illness among university stude
Read carefully the following excerpt on mental illness among university students, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:
- summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then
- make a brief analysis of the cause of mental illness and then put forward some advice to alleviate it.
You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Young Actor’s Suicide Triggers Public Concern over Depression
Chinese actor Qiao Renliang committed suicide on Sept. 16, just one month before his 28th birthday. Qiao had suffered from depression prior to his suicide, leading many citizens to reflect on the widespread nature of depression in China.
Cases of severe depression among college students have become more common over the last decade, according to a new study that backs up what mental health professionals at university counseling centers have been saying for years.
Students have also become increasingly impulsive, more often attempt to injure themselves, and more likely to be diagnosed with more than one mental disorder.
The study, conducted at a university campus in the Northeastern region of China, indicates that there are currently some 90 million people including college students living with depression in China, but less than 10 percent of them get treatment for their illness.
Universities have begun to offer counseling years ago. Participants were examined for mental disorders, their thoughts of suicide and injuring themselves and thoughts of injuring others.
" Between 1998 and 2009, the number of students coming into counseling who were diagnosed with at least one mental disorder increased 3 percent, from 93 percent to 96 percent. " the chairman of National Psychological Association said in a press conference.
"The students who are seeking help are frequently socially isolated," an expert on juvenile psychology explained. Another professor from Chinese Medical Academy said that the competitive society and the full workload from their study life partially contributed to students’ mental problems.
China has vowed in a recently issued action plan to strengthen the country’s detection and treatment of mental illnesses including depression. China will also work to increase national investment in mental health, which is currently only about 1 percent of total health investment. That ratio is closer to 20 percent in many other countries, according to Beijing News.
My View on Mental Illness Among University Students
An actor’s suicide caused by depression brings the mental health of university students to public attention. Against the increasing number of the diagnosed, stunningly, only a small fraction get treatment. Experts attribute this mental problem to the students’ social isolation, pressure from competitive society and heavy workload. Luckily, China has promised to increase investment both in detecting and treating this serious malaise.
The recent astonishing uptick in depression mirrors sad souls which struggle helplessly against life-blighting symptoms that range from reckless to suicidal behavior. Among the culprits behind this wretched problem—high social and study pressure, tense interpersonal relationship, family problems—to name just a few, social isolation is the most responsible one. Psychologists suggest a circle of close friends and strong family ties can boost a person’s mental health more than any other measure. College students are advised to take an active participation in social activities such as joining a club or interest group. Or they should cultivate deep friendship with their peers. If afflicted with a vexing problem beyond their management, they should pour out their hearts to their senior parents, teachers, or mental counselors to seek support.
Predicted as the second most widespread disease by 2020, depression is doomed to hover over university students in one way or another. Inexorable though it seems to be, instead of getting tripped by its devastating affliction, we should take an active attitude in both the prevention and treatment of it.
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