Read carefully the following excerpt on the value of reading literary works a
Read carefully the following excerpt on the value of reading literary works a
Read carefully the following excerpt on the value of reading literary works and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:
- summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then
- comment on whether reading literary works should be promoted. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
You Are What You Read
Does reading make you a better person? Study suggests it depends on what you read.
In 2012, when bookstores and book clubs were alight with talk of Gone Girl, a vital modifier was attached to descriptions of Flynn’s fast-paced story: it’s not just a thriller, it’s a literary thriller.
"Literary," in the case of a book about a marriage gone dismal, suggests that Flynn wasn’t only concerned with what happens in the story; she was interested in the nuances of the characters’ inner lives, too.
Naturally, some writers who devote themselves to crafting straightforward thrillers (or romances, or fantasies) take issue with the "literary" distinction, because it undermines the value of their own work. And indeed, salient arguments have been made against genre categories, which are said to be more of a marketing tool than a useful means of sorting and suggesting books.
But, according to a new study conducted by David Kidd and Emanuele Castano, books that carry the "literary" banner may offer unique benefits to readers.
The pair asked over 1,000 participants to check off literary names they recognized before identifying the emotions being expressed in various photos, drawing a positive correlation between literary awareness and emotional intelligence. The study controlled for self-reported empathy levels, and still found that those who’ve read more literary fiction books in their lives were better at recognizing the emotions of others.
In a report on the study in The Guardian, Kidd says: "Not all fiction draws on the same psychological processes in the same way over time. Habitual reading of literary fiction is associated with differences in interpersonal perception that are not associated with regularly reading genre fiction. "
Let’s Enjoy Literary Works
Whether literary works can make us a better man has resonated among the public. Studies show that literary books offer unique benefits to readers especially in terms of the cultivation of empathy and interpersonal perception. In my viewpoint, as the pearl of man-made artifacts, literature stands atop for the following reasons.
Distinct from other popular genres, literary books, first of all, bottle the buried classical motifs, audible only to the subtle minds. Unbiased friendship, pure love, untainted equality, profound compassion, unprejudiced empathy, all these, the avatar of universal truths, despite the passage of time, tell ever-lasting axioms still applicable to today’s world. Moreover, reading classics is like sipping an age-old brewed wine which intoxicates us with its fragrance and helps us escape the world’s pain and clamor. We can navigate with Finn on the idyllic Mississippi River to seek truth about growth; we can enlighten ourselves with Jack Kerouac on his road to save our soul from mundaneness and mediocrity or we can learn heroism and wisdom with Odysseus on his journey home.
So why not pick up a literary work now to stay away from those trivial tidbits which storm our lives without any trace of meaning at all? Let us enjoy the carnival of a real enchanting world where we engulf the flavor that nourishes the souls of centuries old and yet the souls of centuries to come.
风疹的临床表现是A.通常可根据临床表现作出诊断 B.风疹脑炎不多见、病死率不高
A.把医德观点和医德规范准则放在所处的历史时代去理解 B.把医学伦理学的一切理
均具有涩肠止泻功效的药物是()A.五味子、桑螵蛸 B.肉豆蔻、麻黄根
在对滚动轴承、精密零件等装配件进行表面油脂清洗时,可采用的清洗方法有( )。A.