[originaltext]W: Hey, how are you doing?M: Uh, I guess okay... kind of...W: W

游客2023-10-25  11

W: Hey, how are you doing?
M: Uh, I guess okay... kind of...
W: What’s going on? It seems you have something.
M: It is about my son Jason. For about six months, he’s been really down, and sometimes I can’t get him out of bed in the morning to go to school. He just seems so depressed. I just can’t figure it out.
W: So, this has been going on like half a year?
M: I just thought it would just kind of go away, and I just thought things would just get better.
W: But that’s not, right? That’s pretty worrisome. Have you considered taking him to see a therapist, or a psychologist, or anybody?
M: Ah, no. It’s probably just a phase or something. I think some kids were picking on him at school, but I think that’s stopped. He doesn’t talk about it, so I guess that’s over.
W: Well, you know, I don’t know about that with the bullying or whatever, but you really need to seriously address it.
M: I don’t know, and his girlfriend just broke up with him, so I guess maybe that’s had an impact on him.
W: Yeah, it has. Uh, that explains a lot. Um, have you looked at his Facebook page lately? He posted some stuff, and I think it was last night around midnight, talking about how much life sucks, wishing he could just disappear. Some of the things he wrote are signs of suicide, and really worried me.
M: Oh, what should I do? I’m just kind of at a loss here.
W: You know. I was talking to a woman the other day about her daughter. There are crisis numbers you can call. Also, you could go to the emergency room, and they do assessments there.
M: What kind of assessment?
W: Psychological assessments. It might be kind of hard to get him out to the hospital, but you need to take this seriously.
M: I don’t know.
W: It’s really important because you’ve got to get on top of it. He needs you; he needs to know that you really love him, that you’re not just ignoring this.
M: You know, I recently noticed some marks on his arms the other day. These marks kind of looked like some scratches, or something...
W: I saw those too, and those aren’t scratches. They’re too deep to be scratches. He’s doing self-harm, too.
M: Oh, man.
W: You know, um, these are really serious things, and he’s crying out for help. He doesn’t know how to handle what is going on in his life. He’s really struggling.
M: Right. Maybe you’re right. Send me that information about the Psychological assessments. I’ll start looking at it.
This is the end of Conversation One.
Questions 1-5 are based on Conversation One.
1. What problem does Jason have?
2. What might cause Jason’s problem according to the man?
3. What does the woman find on Jason’s Facebook page?
4. What is the woman’s advice for dealing with Jason’s problem?
5. What does the woman think of the marks on Jason’s arms?

选项 A、His girlfriend decided to break up with him.
B、He encountered bullying on his way to school.
C、His family refused to help him with the problem.
D、His family just ignored all the problems he had.

答案 A

解析 ①对话中,男士提到Jason在学校被同学作弄,但现在Jason已经没有再提及这件事,因此男士认为事情应该结束了。接下来男士又提到,Jason的女朋友与Jason分手了,因此他认为这可能对Jason有一定的影响。A“他女朋友决定与他分手”符合对话内容,为正确答案。②B“他在上学路上被欺负”与对话提到的“在学校被捉弄”不符,因此不正确。C“他家人拒绝帮助他处理问题”和D“他家人忽视他的问题”在对话中没有出现,因此也不正确。