[originaltext] W: Frank, we just got our sales figures in and the numbers are
[originaltext] W: Frank, we just got our sales figures in and the numbers are
W: Frank, we just got our sales figures in and the numbers are very disappointing. What’s going on here?
M: I haven’t actually seen the new figures. How far have we fallen?
W: We were in the sixth place at the beginning of the year and now we’ve slipped to the eleventh! That’s a considerable drop.
M: Wow, that’s really bad news. Maybe we should brainstorm some ideas for a radical reinvention of our sales and marketing plan.
W: Yeah, let’s do that right now. What do you think the problem is?
M: Well, it seems our competitors have managed to carve a niche in the market. They are now perceived as more "cool" or "trendy" than we are. Perhaps we should consider getting some celebrity endorsements.
W: You mean like a rock star or a famous sports figure?
M: Yeah, that might help. The person has to be seen as kind of a rebel so we can associate our brand with individuality.
W: That’s not a bad idea. I’ll talk to the Board of Directors about that.
M: I’d also suggest we reevaluate our packaging. Right now the box we sell our product in seems a little drab and colorless.
W: Yes, we could redesign our packaging. But on the other hand, there is a recent trend to move away from excessive packaging. You know...to help save the environment.
M: That’s another way we could go. We could reduce our packaging, and then advertise our environmentally-friendly business policies. Being "green" is definitely cool these days. Perhaps environmentally-friendly packaging would appeal to a younger customer demographic.
W: That’s a great idea. Are we harnessing the power of social network websites?
M: What do you mean?
W: I mean like setting up a Facebook page or using Twitter. It’s free to get online and set up an account. We might as well take advantage of these opportunities.
M: Another idea is for us to reevaluate where we are spending our advertising dollars.
W: Right now, we break it down between all the major media outlets. Television advertising gets 45% of our budget, 30% goes to print media, 20% goes to radio and 5% goes towards advertising online.
M: I think we should boost our online advertising. Online ads are cheap and they can reach a much wider audience.
W: All right. I’ll ask the ad department to make the changes.
M: If we can implement these new ideas by the end of this quarter, we might be able to reverse our sales slide and put ourselves in position for a major rebound to come next year.
W: That would be great.
This is the end of Conversation Two. Questions 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.
Question 6
Which place are the sales figures in now?
(pause: 10 seconds)
Question 7
Which one is not the current marketing skill used by their competitors?
(pause: 10 seconds)
Question 8
Which one is not the reason of redesigning packaging according to the conversation?
(pause: 10 seconds)
Question 9
How much is the budget for advertising online?
(pause: 10 seconds)
Question 10
How many suggestions do the two speakers talk about in order to increase the sales?
(pause: 10 seconds)
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按和碘化钠的丙酮溶液反应的速度由大到小的顺序排列下列化合物( )。 A.
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