[originaltext]W: Hey Miguel, how’ve you been lately?M: Stressed. I have to do

游客2023-10-25  17

W: Hey Miguel, how’ve you been lately?
M: Stressed. I have to do this big project for my government class, and I need to use a computer to do it. I don’t know much about the computer facilities here on campus. Do you know anything about how the computer labs work here?
W: Actually, I worked as a part-time student employee in one of the open labs for two semesters. What do you want to know?
M: Wow, great! Well, first of all, where are they? I know there are quite a few labs spread throughout the school, but I am not sure where they are.
W: Well the open labs are in Murphy Hall and in the basement of the library. There is also another lab just for liberal arts majors in the arts building.
M: Oh, OK. They’re all there together. Are they open 24 hours?
W: Unfortunately no. They’re open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday. 9 to 5:30 on Friday. During the fall and spring semesters they’re open Saturday and Sunday until 5.
M: Uh huh, and do they offer any kind of training on the computers?
W: Yes, they do actually. They hold computer training workshops twice a month. You can sign up for one in the library. There are also instructional tutoring sessions for students who need help with their course work in the individual labs, and of course, individual assistance is available, too.
M: Can I just walk in and start using a computer, or do I need a password or something?
W: You do need a student account and password to show that you actually attend the university. Once you show them your student ID card, they will set up an account for you and give you a password. Actually, I have a pamphlet in my bag if you want to take a look.
M: Yeah, sounds good. Hey, this says I can only use the computer for one hour. Then I have to check out of the lab. Why is there a one-hour limit?
W: Well there are only 30 computers, so that way all students can get an opportunity to use them. Last year, some of the waiting lines were getting very long, and people complained about waiting for long periods of time. Some people couldn’t complete their assignments on time.
M: Ah. It says here I need a USB flash disk? Why is that? W: Well, because so many students use the computers, all the information on the hard drives is deleted at the end of the day. So, you’ll need a USB disk if you want to save any of your work.
M: OK, I think I’ve got that. Thank you!
This is the end of Conversation One.
Questions 1-5 are based on Conversation One.
1. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
2. At which time can the man use the computer labs?
3. What can the man do if he needs help with coursework?
4. Why is there a one-hour limit on computer use?
5. What should the man do if he wants to save his work?

选项 A、To give students fair chances of using the computers.
B、To limit the number of students who are waiting in line.
C、To reduce students’ complaints on long waiting time.
D、To facilitate students completing their homework on time.

答案 A

解析 ①选项均为不定式结构,可预测提问可能与行为的目的相关。②对话中男士询问女士为何电脑实验室设置了一小时的使用时限,女士回答说电脑室中只有30台电脑,设置时限使所有学生都有机会使用电脑(all students can get an opportunity to use them),A项是其同义转换,是正确答案。③对话中女士说到了去年排队使用电脑室的学生很多,有学生抱怨等候时间很长,还有些学生不能按时完成作业,这些是对没设置使用时限之前的具体举例说明,但设立使用时限的目的并非控制等候人数、减少投诉或方便学生完成作业,因此B、C、D项是对原文的断章取义。