Read carefully the following excerpt on primary schools in England intending
Read carefully the following excerpt on primary schools in England intending
Read carefully the following excerpt on primary schools in England intending to adopt Chinese-style mathematics education and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should:
- summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then
- comment on whether Chinese-style education has more merits than drawbacks. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Primary Schools in England to Adopt Chinese-style Mathematics Education
As reported by The Times, half of primary schools in the UK will soon adopt the traditional Chinese method of teaching mathematics. Teachers will be specially trained and given new textbooks with which to teach the "Shanghai math" method. The new teaching style will rely heavily on repetition, drills and "chalk and talk".
Previous tests have shown that the average mathematics ability of 15-year-olds in Shanghai is three years more sophisticated than that of their counterparts in the UK.
Nick Gibb, the Minister of State at the Department of Education, announced that training will be provided for 8,000 primary schools—half the country’s total—to switch to the Shanghai approach.
" We are seeing a renaissance in math teaching in this country, with good ideas from around the world helping to enliven our classrooms," he said.
Critics of the new program complain that the " progressive" math-teaching style used in China, Singapore and Japan is difficult to apply to real-life situations. Others say that the reform would lead to confusion, and could even stop children from learning the basics and enjoying the subject.
Mike Ellicock, chief executive of National Numeracy in the UK, says it is necessary for children to learn the basics of math so that they can be confident about the subject, and repetition and drills are not the right way to achieve that. Ellicock believes it is inappropriate to simply import a teaching method from such a different culture.
What Is Wrong with Chinese Education
The adoption of the traditional Chinese method of teaching mathematics with its emphasis on repetition, drills and "chalk and talk" into half of primary schools in the UK has attracted attention on this issue. Supporters argue for its progressive style that surely elevates the mathematics ability of students while opponents fight against its inadaptability into real-life situation as well as confusion that results from little access to basics of enjoyment of mathematics.
A glimpse of the hefty backpack of any schoolchild may give you a true picture of what is going on with Chinese education, be it of mathematics or of English. Young and premature though our children are, they have to shoulder the burden of Chinese education which emphasizes the so-called "rote" learning, something we shouldn’t be proud of at all despite high scores it may incur. Sadly though, the core of education—one’s initiative of active learning, ability of questioning and problem-solving, and critical thinking—are all missing in our featured education so much so that our children are woefully undergoing travail that is doomed to last more than a decade long.
It is high time that we stopped attaching greater importance to pure scores than to the overall development of our children. The knowledge economy our nation is experiencing has an urgent call for boffins with practical know-how rather than those whose brains are stuffed with knowledge inapplicable to the markets. The key lies in how we educate our children!
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