Should we sustain the extensive use of English as a global language? This ha
Should we sustain the extensive use of English as a global language? This ha
Should we sustain the extensive use of English as a global language? This has been intensely discussed for years. The following are the supporters’ and opponents’ opinions. Read carefully the opinions from both sides and write your response in about 200 words, in which you should first summarize briefly the opinions from both sides and give your view on the issue.
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English as a global lingua franca facilitates cross-cultural communication. Today, eight in every ten international conferences designate English as their chief working language and ninety-eight percent of leading scientific journals in the world are published in English or at least have an English version.
The extensive use of English as a common language has a unifying effect on people who have different mother tongue. Language barriers naturally engender alienation while a shared language arouses a sense of belonging and sympathy.
The expansion of English also enables people whose mother tongue is not English to appreciate the cultures of English-speaking countries more efficiently and more fully. As is known to us all, many cultures of English-speaking countries are among the richest and the most dynamic cultures in the world.
The extensive use of English renders a host of indigenous languages obsolete. According to a study conducted by UNESCO, over 200 ethnic languages went extinct in 2004, primarily due to the linguistic assimilation of ethnic minorities into the English language. These languages have crystallized and conveyed unique indigenous traditions, rites, rituals, and their extinction is an anthropological disaster.
The encroachment of English erodes the cultural identity of other races.
The prevalence of English has a chilling effect on the purity of other languages and can aggravate the sense of cultural inferiority among the non-native speakers of English.
The Extensive Use of English
As the most influential language in the world, English has firmly established its dominant place in fields of economy, science, culture and politics. Those who advocate the extensive use of English believe that it can make cross-cultural communication easier by erasing the language barrier. Nevertheless, there is no denying that the rise of English as a global language is among the leading causes of the disappearance of many other smaller languages.
I’m of the opinion that English can go ahead with its role as the global language. In the beginning, English has gradually become the language of international technology, especially the information technology, for the majority of Internet websites are in English. Furthermore, like it or not, English has been an international language. It is widely adopted in academic circles as well as international conferences. In addition, language dominance is inextricably linked with technological, economic and cultural power. With a strong power-base, English can maintain its status as an international medium of communication.
In conclusion, despite the demerits, the spreading of English has lots of merits. Therefore, English will not fade as a lingua franca and other languages seem very unlikely to take its place.
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