[originaltext]M: Professor Barlow, why was Eleanor Roosevelt such an important

游客2023-10-23  12

M: Professor Barlow, why was Eleanor Roosevelt such an important woman in US history?
W: Well, [1]she was a very unusual woman. In her times, she did things that most women didn’t do.
M: Like what, for example?
W: Well, she worked in politics. When her husband was governor of New York, [2]he became sick and he couldn’t walk. So Eleanor did some of his work.
M: She traveled a lot for him, didn’t she?
W: Yes, [2]she traveled around New York and made political speeches for her husband. And she really enjoyed it.
M: And what did people in New York think of her then?
W: They loved her! So then, in 1933, when FDR became president of the US, Eleanor was already popular. She became a new kind of first lady. Mt What do you mean?
W: Well, most first ladies wouldn’t very independent. But Eleanor wanted to be different. She had her own ideas, and she wanted to speak out about them.
M: What kind of ideas? Can you give me an example?
W: Sure. Eleanor wanted every person to go to school and have a good job. She especially wanted to help women, children, and the poor people. And she wanted peace in the world. So she spoke out her ideas. She wrote in newspapers; she spoke on the radio; and she travelled all over the world.
M: I know people everywhere respected her.
W: Yes, she was so strong and independent, and she really wanted to help people. But some people didn’t like her.
M: Really?
W: Look, [3]Eleanor was not a traditional woman. Some people said she was too strong and independent. They even said she was ugly.
M: Really?! How did Eleanor feel when she heard these things?
W: Well, Eleanor Roosevelt was a strong woman. So she just laughed.
M: Professor Barlow, there are so many books about Eleanor Roosevelt. Why did you want to write one, too?
W: Well, [4]I felt that most writers—especially men—didn’t really understand Eleanor’s life. I wanted to give a woman’s view.
M: What do you mean?
W: Well, for example, everybody knows that FDR was not a good husband. So, many people said that Eleanor was unhappy all her life.
M: And what do you think?
W: I think that’s not true. I mean, of course Eleanor was unhappy for a while. Her husband didn’t love her anymore. And she was angry. For two years, she couldn’t eat or sleep well. But as time passed, Eleanor’s feeling changed. She stopped feeling angry.
M: Really?
W: Yes, Eleanor saw that a good marriage wasn’t the only way for her to be happy. [5]She remembered the important lessons she learned from her teacher. Marie Souvestre. And she decided to have an independent life.
M: Professor Barlow, thank you for talking with me today.
W: My pleasure.
1.Why was Eleanor Roosevelt such an important woman in US history?
2.Why did Eleanor travel a lot and make political speeches in New York?
3.Why some people didn’t like Eleanor?
4.Why did Professor Barlow want to write a new book about Eleanor?
5.According to the woman, how did Marie Souvestre help Eleanor?

选项 A、She wanted to make a stir in the media world.
B、She wanted to entertain the general reading public.
C、She thought Eleanor needed to be reevaluated.
D、She thought most writers didn’t understand Eleanor’s life.

答案 D

解析 问题问为什么Barlow教授想写一本关于Eleanor的新书。Barlow即对话中的女士,她说,她觉得大部分作者,尤其是男性,没有真正了解Eleanor的生活,她想要从女性视角写。因此D“她认为大多数作家都不了解Eleanor的生活”正确。A“因为她想在媒体世界中制造轰动”和B“因为她想娱乐普通大众”没有推断依据。女士说的give a woman’s view并不代表要否认别人对Eleanor的评价,C“她认为Eleanor需要重新评价”不对。