I was so nervous when I went for the job interview. I______.A、got cold feetB、we

游客2023-10-20  12

问题 I was so nervous when I went for the job interview. I______.

选项 A、got cold feet
B、went through the roof
C、turned my head
D、was over the moon

答案 A

解析 去面试的时候我非常地紧张,我临阵退缩了。get cold feet表示“临阵退缩”,形容一个人的胆怯,符合语境。B项go through the roof表示“价格飞涨”。C项turn my head表示“得意忘形地晕头转向”。D项be over the moon表示“欣喜若狂”。均不符合语境。因此,本题正确答案为A项。