Finn can’t speak Italian. [br] [originaltext]Listen to the conversation, mark e
Finn can’t speak Italian. [br] [originaltext]Listen to the conversation, mark e
Finn can’t speak Italian. [br]
Listen to the conversation, mark each statement as either true (T)or false (F)according to your listening.
Finn: Hi Rob-or should I say " ni hao" Rob?
Rob: Your Chinese is very good Finn but I wonder how many more Chinese words you know? 1,000 perhaps?
Finn: In Chinese: " Not really, I just know a little ..."
Rob: Now you’re just showing off! Not being able to speak a foreign language is a bit of a British trait—or a particular British characteristic. We’re not very good at it although Finn is an exception, he can speak many foreign languages, can’t you?
Finn: Not that many—a bit of German, some French, Polish a little, Chinese of course, Hokkien, a bit of Japanese ... That’s about it.
Rob: Do you know which is the second most spoken language in England? Is it: A)Polish B)Urdu C)French?
Finn: I think I know this one, Rob. I’m going to say A)Polish.
Rob: OK, well, as always I’ll let you know the answer at the end of programme. So, as a I mentioned, the British are generally considered to be lazy linguists—they just don’t bother to learn about another language.
Finn: I guess the main reason is that when British people travel abound the world they find that English is spoken almost everywhere—so they get by—they survive on just using their native language.
Rob: Well, recently a campaign was launched for those of us who didn’t share your enthusiasm or have the opportunity to learn another language. The 1,000 Words campaign is encouraging everyone in the UK to learn at least 1,000 words of another language. It hopes to help Britain increase international trade.
Finn: The group says that a vocabulary of 1,000 words would allow a speaker to hold a simple conversation. It sounds like a good idea.
Rob: But Finn, I have a dilemma. There are so many languages in the world, which one should I learn first?
Finn: Maybe you could start with the UK’s second most spoken language.
Rob: Yes, that’s the question I posed earlier: what is Britain’s second most spoken language.
Finn: I said Polish.
Rob: Yes, of course you are right. According to the 2011 census, the answer is Polish. The census also found over 104 different languages are spoken in the UK.
推断题。Finn猜测“I guess the main reason is that when British people travel around the world they find that English is spoken almost everywhere--so they get by—they survive on just using their native language.”由此可见,Finn认为全球各地都会说英语,讲其他语言对于英国人来说没有必要。因此,该判断正确。
A.疏肝理气,活血化瘀 B.清热利湿,解毒破结 C.养阴清热,解毒祛瘀 D
根据读图, 下列地形区全部位于图中阴影部分的一组是( )。A.青藏高原、
以下属于唐代儿科医家的是A.张仲景 B.张子和 C.孙思邈 D.钱乙 E
房产出租的,以房产()为房产税的计税依据.A:承租人收入 B:出租人收入 C
下列药物中毒时瞳孔缩小的是A.苯巴比妥 B.阿托品 C.肉毒素 D.罂粟碱
体温单底栏的填写内容是( )。A.体温 B.脉搏 C.呼吸 D.住院天数
A.应分开一定距离或有隔离措施 B.应有适宜药品分类保管和符合药品储存要求的库