Plagiarism(抄袭) When I was young, plagiarism was

游客2023-10-20  13

问题                             Plagiarism(抄袭)
    When I was young, plagiarism was hard work. This was before the days of the Internet. Back then, plagiarism was going to the library and copying something from a book. Since most books are professionally written, plagiarized work was not hard for teachers to find. So it was usually easier and safer for students to do their own writing.
    The Internet has changed all that. We now live in a time when a wide variety of information is at our fingertips. Essays on all topics are easy to find online. Some are free: others are there for students to buy.
    We all know that taking someone’s words or ideas from a book is wrong. Because we can touch a book, the real book and the author seem more real to us. This reminds us that the words inside belong to someone else. The Internet is different: it seems much more open than a book. When we read something online, we don’t always know the name of the author, or when it was written. So we naturally come to think that it can be shared. Therefore, some students copy words and ideas from the Internet without even knowing it is plagiarism.

    Most students, however, plagiarize from the Internet because it is easy to do. They say that there is so much work on the Internet it is almost impossible for a teacher to prove that something was plagiarized. This is probably true. Your teacher may never know if the work you submit is really yours. But you will know, and that is the best reason for doing your own work.
Answer the following questions according to the passage. [br] What does the underlined part in paragraph 2 mean?


答案 A lot of information can be found easily on the Internet.

解析 (该画线部分所在句指出“我们现在生活在一个各种信息唾手可得的时代”。at one’s fin—gertips(尤指信息)近在手边的,唾手可得的。由此可知该画线部分指“很多信息在网上很容易就可以得到”。)