How long does the man study English in the morning? [br] [originaltext]F: You m

游客2023-10-20  12

问题 How long does the man study English in the morning? [br]  
F: You mean you study extra after school?
M: Actually, I get up at 6 a. m. every morning and spend an hour on it.
F: Wow, you’re really working hard. Maybe I should try doing that, too.
M: We’re going to France tomorrow.
F: Really? What’re you going to do there, James?
M: We’re going to Provence. I’m really looking forward to it.
F: Why?
M: Because it’s famous for its grape yards. I hear that there are many of them.
F: That sounds nice. Have a good time.

选项 A、 

答案 B

解析 对话中男士表示自己十分想去法国的Provence,在女士的追问下,男士说这个地方因葡萄园(grape yards)而出名,并且听说葡萄园数目很多。由此可知B项描绘的是男士要去参观的地方。