What is New York famous for? [br] [originaltext]W: Wow, Joey, the buildings are

游客2023-10-20  15

问题 What is New York famous for? [br]  
W: Wow, Joey, the buildings are so tall in New York. You can barely see the sky!
M: Yes, Sasha. New York is famous for its skyscrapers. But did you know that the tallest skyscraper in the world is not even located in New York City?
W: Where is it located?
M: It’s in Chicago, in the Midwest of the country. It’s called the Sears Tower.
W: Have you ever been inside a skyscraper?
M: Yes, many times. Tomorrow, when we go sightseeing, we’ll go to the top of a skyscraper.
W: Great! Do you like living in New York?
M: Yes! There’s always something interesting to do or see in New York. And there’re so many interesting people living here. People from all over the world come to live in New York. New York City has 9 million residents.
W: How long have you been living in New York?
M: For 10 years. We lived in California before that.

选项 A、7 million.
B、8 million.
C、9 million.

答案 C

解析 对话最后男士说到“New York City has 9 million residents.”,故选C项。