Why did Bob make the news last month? [br] [originaltext]W: Please meet Bob who
Why did Bob make the news last month? [br] [originaltext]W: Please meet Bob who
Why did Bob make the news last month? [br]
W: Please meet Bob who made the news in the business world last month. It was Bob who decided to give traditional job-seeking strategies a miss, and instead, spend $ 20, 000 on a website and an eye-catching film, broadcasting his desire for an interesting job. He also confesses to offering $ 1 , 000 to anyone who can get him his dream job. Personal branding is all the rage in the United States, where bestsellers like "The Brand Called You" and "The Personal Branding Phenomenon" encourage people to promote themselves as brands to attract the perfect partner. So, Bob, tell us more!
M: Well, to tell you the truth, I wish I had thought of the idea ten years ago. If I had had the ide-a, I am confident I would be a multi-millionaire by now! I decided that I wasn’t going to work for peanuts, so I took a few months off to think between jobs. Only when 1 had begun to do research , did I realize the power of the internet. No sooner had I devised my campaign, " Give Bob a Job" , and had the film made, than the Bob-branded merchandising fell into place! We have teddy bears, T-shirts, clocks and cups! The video was made to advertise my skills and talents , and is in the format of an easy-to-download attachment! As long as I make use of the power of the internet, my influence will be unlimited...
W: I’d be surprised if our listeners understand exactly what you mean, Bob. How can the internet help you in your job search exactly?
M: It’s what we call viral marketing. Everyone must have seen an e-mail that has come from a friend, saying "Have a look at this little video". If you like it, you will send it to three others, and if they like it, they will send it to three others each, and so on and so forth. To be honest, after a week, the numbers are frightening! If, for example, a hundred people had each sent an e-mail to two people, the result would have been 1 million people. And in case only, say, 100, 000 people look at my video, there might be only two or three who think "Wow! What we want is an employee like this!" Come to think of it, not only are these the two or three people most likely to give me my dream job, they are the only ones 1 would want actually to work for!
W: That’s amazing, Bob! I have to admit to thinking it would be a great way to find a husband or wife as well!
A、By helping him make friends.
B、By passing on the video he made.
C、By providing job information for him.
A.点1 B.点2 C.点4 D.点5
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