Many people, particularly recent college graduates, dream of owning their ow
Many people, particularly recent college graduates, dream of owning their ow
Many people, particularly recent college graduates, dream of owning their own businesses. Although such ventures are often exciting and profitable, the new entrepreneur should thoroughly investigate and plan the situation before plunging in. The first step should be to assemble a board of advisers, including a lawyer, an accountant, and an insurance representative. These individuals can provide valuable information and counsel. Securing the necessary licenses and permits are also a precondition and may require research to determine what is necessary.
Most successful small-business owners have considerable experience in the field working for others before they become independent. They also begin with substantial financial backing and a good location. Renting space may be preferable or necessary at the start, but the lease on the building must be examined carefully before it is signed. The new owner should be thoroughly familiar with the market and the competition. A person who wants to buy an existing business can often learn the history of the company and its prospects from the owner’s records. Once the business gets started, accurate and complete records should be kept to monitor the company’s progress and profits.
Financing may be the most different step for small-business owners. They may rely on their own savings or borrow money from a bank or the Small Business Administration. Some suppliers will sell merchandise on credit, and manufacturers may be witting to finance the purchase of equipment. If the new business is a corporation, the owner may choose to sell stock.
Once the new business is started, the small Business Administration is a good source of advice. Several of its programs are designed to help new owners with the advice and expertise of retired executives. A nearby university or trade association may also help owners locate local sources of help.
New business owners often report that they work long, hard hours but find the experience extremely satisfying. The realization that their efforts will produce actual results in the form of profit, success, and pride can be quite motivating. Those who have worked for others enjoy the opportunity to make decisions and follow projects through to completion. Many report that hard work has never been so enjoyable before. Careful research, investigation, and planning at the outset do not guarantee success, but they provide a good foundation for the new small business and its owner.
Directions: Complete the following sentences with information given in the passage in a maximum of 10 words for each blank. [br] According to the author, most successful small-business owners are______.
experienced in the field
治疗惊风抽搐,无论寒热虚实皆可选用的药物是A.羚羊角 B.天麻 C.钩藤
根据下列资料回答问题。 2010年,我国进出口贸易总额为29727.6亿美元
A.当C=C0时,电路的功率因数最大 B.当C<C0时,cosφ’>cosφ
下列说法中,正确的是( )。A.大赦既赦其刑,又赦其罪B.特赦只赦其刑
现代预算管理制度的核心内容有()。A.预算编制科学完整 B.预算执行规范有效