Why does Carl meet the woman? [br] [originaltext]W: Hello Carl. So ... I hear y

游客2023-10-17  15

问题 Why does Carl meet the woman? [br]  
W: Hello Carl. So ... I hear you can help me nail this upcoming interview.
M: Our company specializes in media matters. We can help you learn how to put your best foot forward, what pitfalls to avoid and how to sound friendly without sounding insincere.
W: Those would be good points...okay, let’s hear what you got.
W: You should go clothes shopping with me. I know exactly what you need to improve your style.
M: I know where you’re going with this. You want me to get some really expensive designer clothes. I doubt I have enough room in my credit card for one Armani shirt.
W: It’s not that bad. Believe me, just one or two pieces could totally change your look.

选项 A、He can’t afford what the woman may recommend to him.
B、The designer may charge him more than he should pay.
C、There is no appropriate design for him in the Armani shop.
D、The woman may spend too much on new clothes.

答案 A

解析 对话中,女士提出男士应和自己去购物,以提高他的穿衣品味,男士的回答中提到“你是想让我买一些昂贵的名牌服装(expensive designer clothes),但我怀疑我的信用卡里是否有买一件阿玛尼衬衫的钱”,由此可知答案为A项。