Why didn’t the man go to see Macbeth last week? [br] [originaltext]M: Didn’t yo

游客2023-10-17  13

问题 Why didn’t the man go to see Macbeth last week? [br]  
M: Didn’t you go to see Macbeth last week?
W: Yeah, it was brilliant. I’ve been to it a few times before, but I think this is the best production I’ve ever seen.
M: Yeah, someone I work with went and said it was wonderful. I wish I’d been able to get a ticket.
M: Cathy, are you going to continue with your Spanish?
W: Oh yes, definitely. I’ve got lots of ideas. I’ve got a Spanish friend and we write emails to each other. We used to write in English, but now we can write in Spanish.
M: That’s great.

选项 A、She’s going to make a friend in Spain.
B、She’ll communicate with a Spanish friend in Spanish.
C、She’ll practice speaking Spanish with an English friend.

答案 B

解析 女士提到I’ve got a Spanish friend and we write emails to each other。由此可知女士是通过与一个西班牙的朋友交流而学习西班牙语的。