Classes in Studio every afternoon Room 51 on【21】 On Fridays can use
Classes in Studio every afternoon Room 51 on【21】 On Fridays can use
Classes in Studio every afternoon
Room 51 on【21】
On Fridays can use【22】for private study
Extra courses:
Tuesday :【24】
Wednesday :【25】
Forms to register for extra courses from:【26】
Saturday course on computer-aided design:
Open to【27】 students only
Must provide own【28】
For short absences, phone【29】
For absences of more than two days, write to【30】 [br]
Well, I’m very glad to welcome you all to the practical model of our design course at the beginning of the New Year. As you’ve no doubt realized, we have people here from years one to three and we find that as most of the work is in small groups or individually based. This works out pretty well, even though we are a bit short of space.
Now I’m going to go through some administrative staff and then we’ll get on to project planning. So first of all, we are in the studio here every afternoon except one. So we do have a sort of base, which is quite nice, but once a week we have to move out. That’s into Room 51 which is on Thursdays. It’s a bit of a nuisance because it’s not as big as in here. But we’ll manage somehow and on Fridays you can use the big space over the back of the hall which is called the gallery for private study if you want to spread out a bit. That’s only on Fridays, though, I’m afraid.
Now as far as extra courses go, you should have already selected these and the days for them are as follows: Monday is the only day when the dock room is free, so that’s photography. Tues-days John Howard comes in here to take sessions on print technology. And Wednesdays I’m here for model making. Now if you haven’t selected your options for this term, you need to get a move on. When we finish now, I’ll be showing you around the rest of the department and you can get a form from the academic secretary on the way. Oh, you also need to get one if you want to do the full day course which is on Saturdays on computer-aided design, but that only applies to your third year students of course. And do you know where the office is?
Now that’s nearly all except a reminder to you all that we provide all the equipment you need for practical work, including card and photographic papers. But you must bring your own stationery. You should have proper notebooks and we don’t expect to have to find bits of paper for you to make notes on when you forget them.
And lastly about absence. If you’re not well, if it’s just a couple of days, you can phone the administration assistant and ask him to pass the message on to this department. If it’s more than a couple of days, you must send a written explanation to the department head; otherwise you could be penalized in your course grade for absence without permission. Ok, well, you’ve been warned.
Now, for you new guys, let’s go and look around the rest of the place. The rest of you, no doubt, have things to be getting on with.
文中提到if you want to do the full day course...your third year。
老年人高热症是指A.深部体温高于41℃ B.深部体温高于39℃,伴有精神错乱、
由朱践耳作曲的《唱支山歌给党听》是一首结构的歌曲()A.两段体 B.三段式
须通过细胞质或核内受体结合发生作用的激素是A.糖皮质激素、胰岛素 B.糖皮质激
为了减少手术区创面出血,常在局部麻醉药中加入一定浓度的A.酚磺乙胺 B.卡巴克
根据控制室内环境污染的不同要求,可划分为Ⅰ类民用建筑的是( )。A.住宅 B
某项目一次进厂80套锚具,至少应取()套做外观检查。A.2 B.5 C.