China has become an indispensable global player.Yet in the West, the dom

游客2023-10-14  31

问题         China has become an indispensable global player.Yet in the West, the dominant narrative has failed to understand that this does not mean that China has become Westernised.China is creating an alternative to the West.The West has not made a serious effort to understand a Chinese perspective, and to a great extent has not appreciated that an alternative understanding exists.Confucius said:"Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance." The West, with its Western-centric approach, through its ignorance and failure to understand China, has placed itself in peril of being left behind in a newly emerging world order.We see this ignorance in headlines in Western newspapers, in which the Western perspective is dominant.


答案 中国已在国际社会中不可或缺,然而,西方主流叙事体系却仍未意识到,这并不意味着中国已然西化。中国正沿着有别于西方的道路前进。西方并未真正努力去理解中国视角,而且很大程度上并未认识到还存在一种不同的思维方式。孔子曾说过“知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。”在西方中心论的指引下,由于无知并对中国缺乏了解,西方已将自己置于一个可能被新兴的世界秩序抛在后面的危险境地。浏览以西方视角为主导的西方报纸,便能从各大头条新闻中发现这一无知。
