[originaltext]W: Do you want to go home now?M: Yes, I think I’ll take the thin

游客2023-10-13  11

W: Do you want to go home now?
M: Yes, I think I’ll take the things we bought home.
W: OK. I’ll go to the office. I’ve got lots to do for my boss. I’ll come home later, straight from the office.
M: OK. I’d better hurry. My brother’s waiting at the house.
W: Good. I hope he’ll still be there when I get home—I haven’t seen him for ages.
Question: Who’s waiting for the man?
M: Ah, Tina. Is the design for the conference centre ready?
W: Er, no. I was ...
M: But you know I need it for tomorrow and I asked you to stop working on everything else until you finished it.
W: I know, I’ve been working on it all day, but I haven’t finished it yet. I’m sorry.
Question: Why is the man angry?

选项 A、Because he wasn’t allowed to attend the meeting.
B、Because the woman made a mistake in the design.
C、Because the conference was delayed once again.
D、Because the woman didn’t finish the task in time.

答案 D

解析 对话开头,男士问Tina会议中心的设计准备好了没有,他明天就需要,但是Tina回答还没有,故可知男士生气的原因是Tina没有按时完成任务。