[originaltext]W: Do you want to go home now?M: Yes, I think I’ll take the thin

游客2023-10-13  11

W: Do you want to go home now?
M: Yes, I think I’ll take the things we bought home.
W: OK. I’ll go to the office. I’ve got lots to do for my boss. I’ll come home later, straight from the office.
M: OK. I’d better hurry. My brother’s waiting at the house.
W: Good. I hope he’ll still be there when I get home—I haven’t seen him for ages.
Question: Who’s waiting for the man?
M: How do you like my tie?
W: Your tie? Well, uh ... I think it’s nice.
M: You don’t really like it, do you?
W: Well, uh ...
M: Come on! Be honest with me!
W: Well ... To be honest, I think it’s a little bright.
M: Hmm. You may be right.
Question: What does the woman think of the tie?

选项 A、It’s a little showy.
B、It looks ugly but very neat.
C、It’s pretty but too dear.
D、It fits the man well.

答案 A

解析 男士问女士对他的领带评价如何,女士首先谎称觉得不错,后男士要求她实话实说,女士才又表示颜色有点太亮了。故正确答案为A,她觉得有点太艳丽了。