Why did Mourinho leave Chelsea club? [br] [originaltext]A Chelsea football club

游客2023-10-13  19

问题 Why did Mourinho leave Chelsea club? [br]  
A Chelsea football club official says the team’s manager Jose Mourinho was sacked due to the discord that existed between him and the players. Mourinho’s abrupt departure months after winning the league title and signing a new four-year contract follows a string of poor results. In a statement, Chelsea said Mourinho was leaving by mutual consent after agreeing that recent results haven’t been good enough.
The government of South Korea has ordered the German car manufacturer Volkswagen to recall more than 125 ,000 diesel vehicles. Environment ministry said its testing had confirmed that the company manipulated emissions results from the cars’ engines. The South Korean government also fined Volkswagen more than $12 million.

选项 A、Volkswagen recalled all its vehicles overseas with defective engines.
B、Volkswagen was fined $20 million by South Korea.
C、Volkswagen suffered no losses in its market overseas.
D、Volkswagen was ordered to recall vehicles with emission problems.

答案 D

解析 新闻中谈到韩国政府在测试大众汽车时发现,大众在其引擎排放物报告结果中造假,排放物结果不合格,勒令大众召回车辆。因此选择D项。