What will the man have to do with his bag? [br] [originaltext]W: Can I see your

游客2023-10-13  16

问题 What will the man have to do with his bag? [br]  
W: Can I see your hand luggage, please?
M: I just have this bag and a laptop.
W: Could you put them on the scales? I’m afraid the bag will have to go in the hold.
M: Wessex Information. Can I help you?
W: This is Stewart Callaghan, of Coles. We manufacture anti-personnel devices that can be used in case of assault or robbery. We haven’t got any agents in Scandinavia, so I wondered if you might have any contacts there?
M: Oh, I see. In fact I do know some people. How do you think my company, Wessex Information, can help you?
W: What I’d really like is crime statistics broken down for each Scandinavian country.

选项 A、Similar companies’ sales in Wessex.
B、Contact information of residents in Scandinavia.
C、Crime statistics of Scandinavian countries.
D、Cases of assault and robbery in Wessex.

答案 C

解析 该对话的重点为女士最后提到的“What I’d really like is crime statistics broken down foreach Scandinavian country”,即女士想要获得斯堪的纳维亚半岛每个国家内有关犯罪的数据。故答案选C。