Last, week my brother and I decided to paint our bedroomwhile our parents ar

游客2023-10-12  17

问题    Last, week my brother and I decided to paint our bedroom
while our parents are out for the day. Our parents usually have the 【M1】______
painting do by a local firm, but we thought we could save some 【M2】______
money if we did ourselves. We had watched the painters the last time 【M3】______
the house was painted, but we thought we would be able to 【M4】______
do the job. "First all the surface have to be washed," my brother said. 【M5】______
"That can’t be very difficult," I replied. "We’ d better put some 【M6】______
newspapers on the carpet. If we make a mess, we’ll get into the 【M7】______
trouble." Before that had been done, we looked for some paint 【M8】______
in the garden shed. "We could use this red paint," I suggested. My
brother said that we preferred green paint. Just as we were going 【M9】______
to start, our parents arrived home. "You must have asked us first," 【M10】______
my mother said to us. "You can paint the rest of the house too!" [br] 【M2】


答案 do一done

解析 该句的意思是“我们的父母通常让当地的一家公司来粉刷,但是我们想,如果我们自己做的话,就可以省些钱”。painting和do之间是被动关系,因此将do改为done。