Hi, Jo! You knew I am going to Beijing to see my friend Lily【M1】________in the

游客2023-10-12  10

问题 Hi, Jo! You knew I am going to Beijing to see my friend Lily【M1】________
in the holidays.Well, the train journey turned out to be
a bit a disaster! At first I enjoyed the journey as there was another【M2】________
student sat opposite me and we started talking.When she【M3】________
got off the train, I decided to read a book but because I hadn’t【M4】________
had much sleep the night ago, I soon fell asleep.I must【M5】________
have also slept for over an hour, because I was woken up【M6】________
by the conductor.I jumped up and got myself and my luggages【M7】________
off in a couple of seconds.It was only then I had arrived at【M8】________
Lily’s house that I realized I have dropped my address book【M9】________
when I left the train.It’s good I can remember your telephone
number, so I wouldn’t have been able to find you.【M10】________ [br] 【M10】


答案 so→or/ otherwise

解析 该句的意思是“我能记得你的电话号码真好,否则我就找不到你了”。句子意思存在转折,表示“否则的话”,使用or或者otherwise。因此需将so改为or或者otherwise。