The pursuit of lasting happiness has long been a subject of interest for sci

游客2023-10-10  11

问题     The pursuit of lasting happiness has long been a subject of interest for scientists and surveys alike. But what makes us really happy and what lasting benefits does happiness have?
    Earlier this month, scientists from the University of Illinois found the people who are happy and positive about life live longer. The researchers found clear and compelling(令人信服的)evidence that happiness is key when it comes to better health and longer lifespan. Last month a British study, which tracked members of 40 000 households across the country, concluded that eating a family meal at least three times a week is the key to happiness because it helps build a strong bond between parents and their children.
    But happiness might be decided when you were born. Names can apparently predict how happy we are as individuals, with researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University claiming that people called Judy and Joshua enjoy life the most. Ben, Andrew and Edward are seen as miserable names on the other hand.
    Married couples are most likely to be happy with their relationships, according to the study. Research has also suggested that happiness begins at 50. A study from Stony Brook University, New York, found that stress, anger and worry fade after your 50th. Women were also reported to suffer greater stress, worry and sadness at all ages.
    Money makes the world go round, but it is not the key to happiness, according to other studies. In 2008, a survey found that British families were healthier and twice as well-off as they were 20 years ago, but were not happier. However, other studies have found money can buy you happiness after all, but only if you spend it wisely. Indeed, that might be why a good holiday can boost your happiness levels "for up to two months" after—although the break has to be "very relaxing" to have such an effect. [br] According to a British urvey, how could money give people happiness?

选项 A、As long as people have enough money, they can do anything.
B、People would be happier if they earn more than they did 20 years ago.
C、The more money people have, the happier they will become.
D、People can have happiness only if they spend money wisely.

答案 D

解析 由题干中的money定位到第五段。该段第三句提到,其他研究发现金钱可以给人们带来幸福,但是只有当人们明智地使用它时才会这样,由此可知D)正确。