"Think for yourself!" is a common American expression. Americans think it is ver

游客2023-10-09  30

问题 "Think for yourself!" is a common American expression. Americans think it is very important for a person to be able to do this, even when he or she is still a young child. For an adult it is necessary. In our country, of course, it is also expected that adults will think for themselves. The difference is that in America one must do this much more often and much more critically and creatively.


答案 美国人常说"要独立思考"。美国人认为能够做到这一点是非常重要的,即便是年幼的孩子也应该这样做。对成年人来说这是必需的。当然,在我们国家,人们同样认为成年人应该独立思考。所不同的是,在美国这种情况更为普遍,并且在美国独立思考是更具有批判性和创造性的。

解析 在此题中应注意几个词组的翻译:think for yourself的含义是"独立思考",a common American expression含义是"美国人常说的一句话"。另外,much more often表示"更普遍",而 critically and creatively含义是"批判地和创造性地"。