[originaltext]W: Would you like to go to the theatre with me on Sunday?M: Well

游客2023-10-07  12

W: Would you like to go to the theatre with me on Sunday?
M: Well, I don’t know. Can I tell you tonight?
Q: Did he receive the woman’s invitation?

选项 A、No, he didn’t.
B、Yes, he did.
C、No, but he would let her know that night.
D、He refused.

答案 C

解析 女士问“你星期天可以和我去剧院吗”,男士回答“晚上再告诉你”,题目问“他接受邀请了吗”。C选项翻译为“她晚上才能知道”,所以根据题意应选C。