According to the first paragraph, the library sends the application form to the

游客2023-10-07  20

问题 According to the first paragraph, the library sends the application form to the readers so that they can [br] The main purpose of this letter is to______.

选项 A、introduce the library’s service to readers
B、recommend new books to the readers
C、send a few catalogues to readers
D、express thanks to the readers

答案 A

解析 细节题。根据题干可以判断答案在文章第一段第二句“This letter tells you about our service.”(这封信的主要目的是介绍图书馆的业务。)因此选项A是正确答案。选项B是为读者提供新书。和文章中提到为有视力障碍的读者提供服务相悖,是错误答案。选项C是让读者了解图书馆业务的方式,这不是写信的目的,是错误答案。选项D是向读者致谢,不是信的目的,所以也是错误答案。