Bookkeeper(会计)WantedJob type Temp (监时雇员) Full time

游客2023-10-06  19

问题                              Bookkeeper(会计)WantedJob type Temp (监时雇员)
Full time/Part time Full-time
Diploma/Degree required Associates
Salary/Pay rate Please contact us for more information  
Job description/qualification Adecco is looking for Bookkeepers to work for top companies. These are long-term temporary positions with the possibility of temp to hire. Job responsibilities include proessing accounts payable (应付款) and accounts receivable. Prepare and post monthly and yearly journal entries ( 记账簿). Process some light administrative work.
Three years’ experience
Excellent communication skills
Solid organizational skills
Strong problem-solving skills
Microsoft Excel
Adecco is a global leader in employment and HR service, connecting people to jobs and jobs to people through its network of more than 6 000 offices in 71 countries around the world. Our temporary and full-time assignments offer competitive pay and excellent benefits.
Adecco is an equal opportunity employer.
Contact Information Adecco San Mateo Branch 1065 E. Hillsdale Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404 Phone: 650-352-1308 E-mail:  [br] What kind of company is Adecco? Adeeco is a leading company in employment and______.


答案 HR service/human resource service

解析 由线索词leading,employment定位到Adeceo对自己公司的介绍,他们是世界一流的职业介绍所,专门进行职业介绍和提供人力资源信息。