There are many ways of traveling, but I find none more agreeable than going on f

游客2023-10-04  17

问题 There are many ways of traveling, but I find none more agreeable than going on foot. I can set out when I like and stop when I like. If I feel tired, I sit down and admire peacefully the scenery around me. At times I rest in the shade of a thick wood; at other times I stop to examine the minerals(矿石) of an old quarry(采石场).


答案 虽然旅行有许多方式,但是我认为没有什么比步行更令人愉快的了。我想走的时候就走,想停的时候就停。如果感觉累了,我就坐下来心平气和地欣赏周围的景色。有时,我坐在浓密的树阴下休息;有时我停下脚步查看古老的采石场上的矿石。

解析 "none more agreeable than going on foot"为"否定词+比较级"结构,相当于最高级,其中的形容词agreeable意为"令人愉快的;惬意的";在"the scenery around me"中,around me是介词短语作后置定语,修饰scenery;"in the shade of"意为"在阴凉处"。