说明:假定你是张宁。根据以下内容以第一人称发一封电子邮件。 内容: 1. 发件人:张宁. 2. 收件人:客服经理 3. 发件人电

游客2023-09-30  15

问题    说明:假定你是张宁。根据以下内容以第一人称发一封电子邮件。
   1. 发件人:张宁.
   2. 收件人:客服经理
   3. 发件人电子邮件地址:zhangning@yahoo. com. cn
   4. 收件人电子邮件地址:customerservice@gmail. com
   5. 事由:张宁在商店买了一台电脑,几天之后出现故障,售货员不肯退换,故写信投诉。
   6. 邮件涉及内容:
   (1)11 月 18 日在其商店买了一台电视机,但是 3 天之后开不了机;
   【Words for reference】
   说明书 instructions E-Mail Message
   E-Mail Message
   To: _______________
   Subject: complaint of the product
   Dear Sir or Madam,


答案                                 E-Mail Message
   From: zhangning@yahoo. com. cn
   To: customerservice@gmail. com
   Subject: complaint of the product
   Dear Sir or Madam,
   On Nov. 18 this year, I bought a TV set from your shop. At first, it works just perfectly,  but three days later I could no longer turn it on. There must be something wrong with the TV set,  since I always follow the instructions. I returned it to the shop to exchange it for a new one,  or have my money back. However, the shop assistant refused. Would you please let me know when your shop would replace it for me, or give my money back? Fll appreciate it if you can reply soon.
                                                                Sincerely yours,
                                                                  Zhang Ning
