If you’ve been thinking about giving up your job, here are two reasons you s

游客2023-09-29  16

问题     If you’ve been thinking about giving up your job, here are two reasons you should change your mind: Everyone has to start somewhere.
    Starting a career isn’t necessarily smooth sailing (一帆风顺). There will be times when you have to learn from mistakes, too. This experience may not be the most exciting. However, it’s important to remember you can only go up from there.
    Although your first job in the real world might not be your dream job, it doesn’t mean you need to give up just yet.
    If you aren’t exactly in love with your first job, focus on what you’re learning from your current experience. These experiences give you the opportunity to learn the details of your field and what it takes to reach the next level of your career. You need more time to explore your position.
    Giving up your job after three months doesn’t give you enough time to determine whether or not the position was a good fit. Take your first job as an opportunity to learn about the projects, tasks, and tools associated with your field of work. This experience is a stepping stone for the rest of your career. [br] Even if you do not love your first job, you are still advised to________.

选项 A、make a detailed plan for your goals
B、learn from your current experience
C、focus on your relationship with others
D、pay attention to your communication skills

答案 B

解析 细节辨认题。由题干中的love your first job定位到文章第四段的第一句。定位句提到,如果你并没有完全爱上你的第一份工作,请专注于从当前经历中学到的东西。B项中的learn from your current experience与原文的表述基本一致。因此答案为B项“从你当前的经历中学习”。原文未提及A项“为你的目标制订详细的计划”、C项“专注于你与他人的关系”和D项“注意你的沟通技巧”。