事由:假设你是王燕,上个星期不小心把向王老师借的一本关于美国文学的书弄丢了,现在写一封信表达自己的歉意。 包括以下内容: 1.表达自己的歉意,并真诚

游客2023-09-27  12

问题 事由:假设你是王燕,上个星期不小心把向王老师借的一本关于美国文学的书弄丢了,现在写一封信表达自己的歉意。
   Words for reference:
   美国文学:American literature    原谅:forgive


答案 Dear Miss Wang,
   I hope you are well.
   I am very sorry to tell you that I have lost the book on American literature you lent to me last week because of my carelessness. So now I write this letter to making an apology for that, I really hope you can forgive me for having done that.
   By the way, I want to ask you where you bought the book, so that I can go to buy one for you. If this kind of Book has been sold out, could I buy another one instead of it?
   I am looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.
                                                           Yours sincerely,
                                                            Wang Yah
