[originaltext]W: Hello, is that 342289?M: Yes, it is.W: (6)I’m inquiring abou

游客2023-09-26  13

W: Hello, is that 342289?
M: Yes, it is.
W: (6)I’m inquiring about the flat which was advertised in the evening paper?
M: Oh yes?
W: (6) I wonder if you could tell me how much the rent is a month, please?
M: (7) It’s $130.
W: I see. Is it near the city ce

选项 A、An advertisement.
B、Renting a flat.
C、The city centre.
D、An evening paper.

答案 B

解析 根据原文(6)处可知,女士要询问晚报广告上刊登的租房事宜,随后又谈论了价钱,因此不难判断他们谈论的话题是租房子,故选D。