1. 双休日给大学学生带来许多好处;2. 双休日也给大学学生带来许多好处;3. 你打算如何度过双休日

游客2023-09-26  18

问题 1. 双休日给大学学生带来许多好处;
2. 双休日也给大学学生带来许多好处;
3. 你打算如何度过双休日
                                              On the Two-day Weekend


答案                                                         On the Two-day Weekend
   The two-day weekend has brought about many advantages to colleges and universities. Most importantly, it has lightened the burden on students. It provides students, for example, with much leisure time and enables them to play on the background or take part in recreational activities. Entertainment brings them new energy, so they welcome it vigorously.
   However, the two-day weekend may possibly cause problems For instance, some students don’t know how to play their activities so that they can relax. After two days of attentive study they are too tired to concentrate their attention on Monday’s class.
   In my opinion, I’ll not spend my weekend that way. On the other hand, I should make sure that I have enough time for relaxation and entertainment. On the other band, I should set aside time to review and preview my lessons. I’m confident that I can make the best use of this precious time.

解析 文章根据作文的要求可以分成三步来写。第一部分紧扣提示阐明双休日给大学学生带来许多好处的种种现象和例子,可以用举例的方法来做。第二部分讲双休日也给大学学生带来许多坏处;也可以用举例的方法来做。第三部分讲自己打算如何度过双休日。可以用“on the one hand...on the other hand...”结构来完成行文,同时也可表明自己的信心。