All children ______ a loud laugh when their father told them the funny story.A、l

游客2023-09-26  14

问题 All children ______ a loud laugh when their father told them the funny story.

选项 A、let off
B、let down
C、let out
D、let up

答案 A

解析 let off: (1) 放(炮),投放(炸弹) (2) 排放出(气体、液体) (3) 允许下车,允许下船,允许下飞机 (4) (与with连用)宽恕;赦免;从宽处理;let out: (1) 加宽,放宽(衣服) (2) 出租(车、马等);let up (1) 放松 (2) 减弱,停止。