The Persona is another construct in Jung’s psychology. It may be described a

游客2023-09-25  14

问题     The Persona is another construct in Jung’s psychology. It may be described as an adaptively organized image of oneself. Every individual needs a system of adaptation or way of meeting the world. Each profession tends to assume its own characteristic persona or way of accomplishing the adaptation. "Only, " Jung said," the danger is that they become identical with their personas-the professor with his textbook, the singer with his voice. " The danger is to be unconscious of the persona: to think that what one has chosen to be is what one is. One must not confuse one’s "role" with one’s identity as a person. The persona is the "mask" presented to the world, to society at large, and normally, one would wear a different "mask" on different occasions. It is not a matter of being hypocritical (虚伪的) ,but of being responsive to the situation. One needs a flexible persona, not one "glued" (粘住的 )to the face. The persona is a mediating compromise between individuality and the expectations of others.
    In examining the products of the unconscious Jung made a distinction between the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. The personal unconscious consists of forgotten, controlled matter of every kind that can be related to the personal life experience of the individual. The collective unconscious consists of element characteristic of the human species.  [br] From the passage, we can assume that the author’s purpose is to______.

选项 A、explore psychological history
B、explain Jungian psychology
C、explore the concept of psychology
D、reveal the differences of psychological concepts

答案 B

解析 文章两段的首句都可表明,这篇文章是对Jung心理学理论的介绍性文章。故选B。