It can be inferred from the passage that this girl ______. [br] According to the

游客2023-09-25  16

问题 It can be inferred from the passage that this girl ______. [br] According to the author, which statement is true?

选项 A、The two most protected periods in our life are childhood and when we are married.
B、Most people spend a large part of their lives.
C、This girl will soon find a shelter.
D、Everyone spends a part of life unsheltered.

答案 A

解析 本题为细节辨认题。年轻人设计住处主要基于两种:一种是孩提时跟父母生活的家,一种是成年后结婚生子,组建自己的家。因此A项是正确答案,