[originaltext]W: Can you recognize me, David?M: Why, are you Margaret?W: Sure

游客2023-09-24  20

W: Can you recognize me, David?
M: Why, are you Margaret?
W: Sure, I am. We haven’t seen each other for over twenty years.
M: You haven’t changed so much.
W: You haven’t either.
M: Remember the days when we were together? We used to go out for a walk every evening after supper.
W: And my mother used to say that we are more like brother and sister than friends.
M: Those good old days!

选项 A、David and Margaret once worked together.
B、Margaret’s mother likes David very much.
C、Two old friends met unexpectedly.
D、David and Margaret used to go to school every day.

答案 C

解析 What can we learn from the conversation?