People tended to believe that the person who dealt with the reader’s problem in

游客2023-09-22  13

问题 People tended to believe that the person who dealt with the reader’s problem in women’s magazine was ______. [br] A lot of fun has gone out of reading agony columns because ______.

选项 A、people doesn’t take emotional problems seriously
B、more and more people write to magazines
C、it is no longer socially acceptable to laugh at other people’s misfortunes
D、the agony columns are now professional and frank

答案 D

解析 本题询问“烦恼栏”的趣味性大大减少的原因是什么。根据原文(43)处可知,由于“烦恼栏”越来越专业化,越来越坦率,阅读起来的趣味也大大减少了,故选D。